Car Drive shaft
Drive shaft for car brands
Driveshaft: useful information
Cardan shaft serves to transfer torque from the engine to the wheels. It must withstand high torque and permanently to be in a load-up condition, so this car part is made from high-strength materials. On the other hand, it is very important cardan shaft to have relatively light weight. Due to this restrictive factor, when developing cardan shafts, manufacturers are forced to find a compromise between durability and weight. Otherwise, a heavy weight will lead to a substantial increase in fuel consumption.
Because of constant load cardan shaft wears out. During the checkup of the vehicle rubber glands mounted on the shaft are checked. In course of time they become porous and must be replaced. Modern cardan shafts are replaced after 200 000 km. The reason for cardan shaft replacement may be not only normal wear, but also an accident. If you hear strange clicks when changing direction, this may be a sign of cardan shaft damage. It is necessary to visit car service center at the earliest possible date. There are no reasons for panic, as the cardan shaft breaks down very seldom. If you address the service centre, you will avoid unnecessary risks.
It is practically impossible to replace the cardan shaft without auto hoist or service pit, because it requires access to the underside of the car. It is generally recommended to do a complete replacement of the cardan shaft, and not just to replace the parts. Pay attention rubber glands to be correctly installed. This is very important for continuous lubrication providing. In assortment of our online store there are brake disks, stub axles, sensors, rear view mirrors and many other car parts. You can choose necessary parts of high quality and order them online.
How to detect failures of the drive shaft
Diagnostics of the component is performed in a few stages and demands considerable efforts. First of all, carry out the control run of the car at low speeds (20–30 km/h). Then sharply turn the car to both sides several times. The abnormal noise when cornering will be a sign of malfunction.
Visual inspection of the shaft can be performed without the experts’ assistance. During the visual check be sure to convince that the shaft is not soiled and damaged. Also examine oil seals, dust boots and boot clamps. For more detailed diagnostics it is necessary to address to a service station. In case of severe soiling clean the part and all the components of the vehicle running gear.
The component is one of the transmission elements, and therefore it needs to be checked together with the other components of the system. Complex diagnostics of the running gear at the service station should be carried out every 15 000 operation kilometers.
By the following signs you may find that the drive shaft requires diagnostics:
- vibrations appear under the bottom during driving;
- the car rolls to one side;
- the car deviates from the trajectory when driving;
- the wheels are vibrating;
- transmission fluid leaks or is foamed;
- gears are shifted with difficulties;
- the car wheels are slipping when changing the gears;
- noise appears under the bottom;
- lubricant leaks under the vehicle at parking.
Causes of drive shaft faults
The most vulnerable elements of the drive shaft are the constant velocity joints (CV joints). In their construction there are many movable parts that are apt to abrasive wear to a considerable degree. To prevent premature abrasion of their working surfaces, grease lubricant is used. Worsening of its operational characteristics, for example due to influence of extremely high or low temperature, affects the CV joint useful lifetime directly.
The most common cause of joints damaging is tearing of dust boot, which in turn, leads to soiling of the greasing material, its leaking and increases the risk of mechanism corrosion. That is why, dust boots and oil seals should be replaced as soon as first signs of their malfunction are found.
Also sportive driving style may lead to premature wear-out of the CV joints. Sharp starts and brakings, especially with wheels turned to the full, create excessive load to the components, increase risk of gaps appearance and are fraught with full breakdown of the assembly. Regular driving on roads with the poor quality surface also often becomes a cause for loosening or damaging of fastenings.
Drivers encounter drive shaft deformation, it’s cracking or corrosion usually much more rarely: after a road accident, after running over an obstacle or in case when vehicle is operated in an area with moist climate.
Repair and replacement of drive shaft
The component is formed by several elements, therefore in case of breakdown it is necessary to replace only the broken one. To define which part failed, particular tools and knowledge will be required, and therefore it is necessary to repair and replace the shaft elements at the service station.
If the drive shaft was considerably damaged as a result of the road accident, or all the system wore out severely, it is required to carry out a full replacement of the component.