Car Brake pads
Brake pads for car brands
Brake pad set: useful information
In brake disks braking effect is achieved due to the fact that brake pads are pressed to the brake disc. Brake pad is glued to the brake shoe. Brake disk is mounted on the wheel hub. When the driver applies the brake, brake shoes with brake pads move in the direction of the brake disk and press to it. The kinetic energy is transformed into frictional energy. This leads to a slowdown of the car. Brake pads are wearing parts, so they must be regularly replaced. Brake shoes consist of a metal base, friction material lining and sometimes of a sound insulation.
In brake disks friction pad is glued to the brake shoe with the help of adhesive. When the brake shoes’ pads wear out, brake fluid level is approaching to the bottom mark. Low brake fluid level is a sign that it is necessary to replace brake pads and brake shoes. It is not enough to refill brake fluid. Moreover, it can adversely affect safety. The reason for changing of the braking efficiency can be worn or damaged brake pads.
Replacement of brake pads and brake shoes should be made for the whole axle. Otherwise, there can be difference of braking forces on the wheels of one axle, which can lead to skidding when braking. When replacing, the best thing is to use brake pads of the same manufacturer and from the same package. In this case you can be sure that brake pads on both sides are of the same quality. The replacement must be done in auto repair shop or by a competent specialist. Improperly installed brake shoes can lead to dangerous situations. Moreover, it is necessary to check other parts of brake system, especially brake disk. If you need any other spare car parts, visit our online store. In the assortment you will find fenders, brake disks, ABS sensors, oil pumps, taillights, and many others.
Brake shoes/pads failure
- oiling or soiling of the part;
- cracks on the surface;
- wear of the part;
- increase of the gap between shoes and drums;
- shoes/pads deformation;
- mechanical damages;
- component sewing-up.
Signs of brake shoes/pads failure
- brake path lengthening;
- extraneous sounds at brake pedal pressing;
- worsening of vehicle response and car skids when braking;
- vibration at the brake pedal or steering wheel;
- incorrect brakes performance;
- smell of fumes in the compartment;
- brake fluid leakage;
- shoe/pad wear indicator at the dashboard;
- formation of a welt on a pad/shoe;
- beating vibration when braking;
Causes of brake shoes/pads failure
- untimely brake disc replacement;
- dust or dirt impact on the brake pad/shoe lining;
- sporting driving style;
- use of low-quality components;
- brake cylinders damage;
- use of faulty consumables;
- oil impact on the part surface;
- use of unsuitable parts;
- poor maintenance.
It is important to know that one should inspect the shoes/pads every 10000 – 15000 operational kilometers. The diagnostics includes the measurement of thickness of the shoe/pad and also its visual inspection in order to find cracks, shears or bends of the surface. The thickness of the lining shouldn’t be less than 2 mm. It is also useful to analyse the braking. So, you will need to speed the car up to 60 kilometers per hour (be sure the road is flat and dry), and then slow down sharply. When braking pay attention to the absence of scratching or crashing sound. The braking path has to be even. Otherwise there are faults in this unit.
Repair and replacement of brake shoes/pads
We remind that repair of shoes/pads is unprofitable as it usually costs considerably more expensive, than purchase and installation of new parts. It is important to know that regardless the shoes/pads condition, they should be replaced through every 20000 operational kilometers. To replace the shoes/pads, do the following;
- unbend edge of a lock plate of the lower bolt of the wheel cylinder;
- turn off the lower bolt and turn out it together with a plate;
- lift a caliper with the cylinder;
- remove the brake shoes/pads;
- install new ones.
After that, it is necessary to press the brake pedal several times to return the pistons to the initial position. Don't forget to check the level of hydraulic fluid. It is strongly recommended to make replacement of both shoes/pads at once, both rear and front.